unknown person sitting on red gang chair indoors

Long Overdue!!!

Hey, this is Michael, as you no doubt can gather from the title of this blog, and I wanted to first thank you for visiting. I started this blog a couple of years back with some goals in mind, and if you’re like many people (dare I say most people?), you know what it’s like to set a goal, go hard at it for a bit, and then find that life sort of gets in the way and dilutes that energy, if not squashing it altogether!

Well, my posting went the way of the new year’s resolutions (even though it wasn’t started at a new year), and just sat around collecting dust, if a blog can do such a thing.

stop waiting

But something happened recently, in fact a few things:

1) My focus on this blog is writing about my journey making money online. But if I’m not making money online, what’s to write about, right? So, I didn’t. And, what’s more, I did not work diligently toward that end. But I’ve been steadily involved in monthly mentoring, and a few months back, some actions I took actually generated a sale or two. I made money online! Specifically, with Affiliate Marketing (I’m in web design and SEO, so in reality, I make money “online” every month with my normal business)! Then, the next month, I was surprised to find I had made more money! And now, this month, I’ll get a payout of over $1000!! Now, Michael, isn’t that worth writing about?

2) Then, today, I was part of a quarterly workshop with my coach, Dean Holland, that focused on what to do to if you lost everything and had to start all over again. The crux of the matter (I’ll share more in upcoming posts) is that I need to get back to blogging, and most importantly in this age of AI-generated content and images, be REAL and PERSONABLE, VULNERABLE and TRUTHFUL in what I am experiencing, learning, seeing, etc., in my progress to learn and grow this area.

3) So with that, I made a commitment today – a commitment I make not only to myself, but to you as my readers – to be here and share my journey with you, every single week, without fail over this next year. I will write at least one post a week, and here’s what you will find – my raw experience about what I am learning, how I am growing, what I am doing, what works, what doesn’t work, what succeeds, what fails, what fears I encounter (hold me to that one!) and what struggles I meet up with in this journey to build my affiliate marketing business.



Some History

See, I am not new to this rodeo, as I’ve have wanted to make money online for many years. But, I’ve been afraid to write about it, because I have not been one of those “successful” gurus making millions per month, and thinking that no one really wants to hear about my struggles. But I’ve come to see more clearly – I LOVE hearing from those I can relate with, and in fact, much more than those I can’t even begin to relate with! So, that got me to wondering, maybe some of you are like me. Maybe you’ll relate to me as I learn, grow, make mistakes, try, fail, succeed, grow and see progress. Maybe that will help you. I don’t know. But here’s what I do know – I need to be real, vulnerable and share from the heart, as that helps me work through things and see growth in my own life.

My Commitment

So, encouraged by Dean today to just start, right where I am, and share my story on a consistent basis through my blog, I’m coming in line with that finally (no, it’s NOT the first time I’ve heard this, but hey, I can be a special kind of stubborn…) and so even if no one ever reads these, I’m writing every single week as I mentioned above, as a way to hold myself accountable and to potentially encourage those of you who may relate that you too can do this. 

If you do relate, having struggled to make money online, either from prioritization challenges like me (I KNOW what to do, it’s the DOING part that keeps getting lost somewhere), or from just not being sure how or what to do, follow with me here. Subscribe to notifications of new posts or follow me on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, and join in the conversation so we can grow together. I’d love to hear your struggles. I’d love to hear what is working for you, even as I share what is working for me. The Four Core Areas that Dean shares in The Iceberg Effect really make a difference, and much of what I discuss will revolve around those. 

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


2 thoughts on “Long Overdue…”

    1. Michael Holt

      Not sure how I did not see this, but thank you, Dean. Looking forward to great things on the road ahead!

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