Why Is Time So Slippery?
I’ve been in pursuit of time mastery for quite awhile. Learning from this one and that one, from Darren Hardy to Brendon Burchard, James Clear to Stephen Covey. I try this approach, that approach, but in that I am still in pursuit, I obviously am still chasing something.
Yes, it’s a real word, but more importantly, do you relate to it? Running after something but never seeming to catch enough of a hold of it to claim that you’ve “got it”? It’s a frustrating thing indeed! And then, for periods of time, you get that feeling like, “Yes! This is it! This will work!” And midst jumping around with elation at having finally struck gold in that elusive quest, you give all you have to setting up that solution that is now going to be the answer for which you’ve been searching for what seems like eons.

Not quite there
But then, after usually not too long, sometimes within a week or two, other times 60 to 90 days, things start falling through the cracks, tasks aren’t getting done again, and I would find yourself going through hours or even entire days where I could not seem to get anything of real significance done.
I’ve heard it all. “Keep your focus.” “Plan your day.” “Plan your week.” “Find your trusted system.” “Use paper.” “Use digital.” “Go hybrid.” “Todoist is the best.” “Asana saved my schedule.” “I can’t live without my Notion Personal Brain.” “ClickUp is it, man – manage your whole life in it.” “Bullet Journaling is the way to go – create your own thing every day.” And more… many more.
But something was still missing for me. I was still missing the mark somewhere. I can’t describe just how frustrating that is!

Jesus says in Matthew 7:7-8, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Now, while it is true that He is talking about something far greater here than seeking a solution to managing time, the principle still holds true that He answers prayer. I can seek Him and He will give me answers that I would not know of my own accord. But, I must persist, keep asking, keep seeking.
And that I did. In fact, it was after two days of particularly frustrating unproductivity – and I mean hours of worrying about all the stuff that needed to get done and not actually getting to any of it – that I called out in tremendous angst to the Lord to help me see what I could not see. These were days that should have been productive, as I had PLENTY of super important things that I needed to get done, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get ANYTHING done!
It was like I was drowning in a sea of responsibilities, knowing what all I needed to be doing, but unable to do much of anything besides tread the water and feel my strength drain away with the heaviness of the downward pull.
Out of pain, frustration and everything within us crying out often comes our greatest moments of forward movement. The Lord in His faithfulness heard and answered my prayers for understanding and true change that day, and began showing me why I had been having these struggles all of these years.

Through this learning, this discovery, this getting to know myself in new ways, I found out why time management had been an ongoing struggle, and I learned ways to begin dealing with the challenges when they arise on a day by day basis. More importantly, I learned that I am not some incompetent sloth, but that this was a real issue that once identified, could be properly addressed and dealt with.
I’ll share more in posts to come about this journey, what I discovered and what is helping me. If this is something you identify with to any degree, feel free to join with me, comment below, and share your story.

The beautiful thing about this journey is that it impacts every area of my life. One of the biggest struggles with those who want to make money online is actually a very simple thing – lack of consistency. They know stuff needs to be done, and sometimes they even know what needs to be done (yes, I’m guilty here!), but getting to it week in and week out it an entirely different story!
Now, while I’m no example of super success online, I have begun to actually earn money online as I’ve begun to see growth in these very areas. In fact, I just recently earned my first 4 Figure Club Trophy through Dean Holland’s Internet Profits Program. And as I continue applying these principles, there’s more to come!
If you want to begin a journey of making money online, check out the free Iceberg Effect book. Dean’s writing is a down-to-earth way of spelling out the simple steps to get started building an online business.
Hi great blog and very helpful, great that you are achieving success.
Sorry is this is a bit off-topic, but in your award photo (congrats on that) I see you have a ‘Life Application Bible’ (is that right) what is that all about? Does it give object lessons from the boible?
tony simms recently posted…Red Tape & No Return
Hey Tony, so sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you, first, for your comment and response. I greatly appreciate it.
As for your question about the Life Application Bible, this is the Bible I use for some very specific reasons. Mostly, the editors (those adding comments or insights) are all well-versed scholars who are very familiar with the things in the Bible, but know how to speak in easy to understand, down to earth language. There are great summaries of each book, insightful snippets on key figures (people) you come across, and plenty of great information peppered throughout to give some good insight to what you are reading in the chapters and verses. And, there is even a reading plan toward the back that helps you read through all the books in one year (something I do each year).
All in all, that said, it’s not as much how much you read the Bible, though that is important, but how much you allow it to read you that makes all the difference in (and out of) the world.
What you say is so true. Time is indeed slippery.
For me, I just realized that I have been doing affiliate marketing for 17 years and still haven’t achieve my goals.
Anyway, congrats for hitting 4 figures. Hope you hit 5 figures soon.
Alan Lim recently posted…My First Blog Post – Pressing The Reset Button After 17 Years
Procrastination and distractions are our worst enemies in fight for time domination. Disciple is a quality that comes along with good habits. Commiting to a task for the uncommon period of time is what we should aim for. Hi Michael! Good post and what a wonderful blog design you have there! Love it! Lessons learned. Thank you.
Martin Lefebvre recently posted…I Received a Slap on the Hand!
Hi Michael, thank you for your post and for being so open and honest about your journey. Congratulations on reaching the 4 figure level in your business. looking forward to seeing you achieve even greater success! All the best!
I have spent many hours in prayer asking God to direct my path. Often, I get frustrated because things are not going at the speed I want it to be. However, I’ve discovered that things arrive at the right time and the right place in my life. He knew I need to grow in certain areas before I could proceed to the next level.
Despite me trying to take over at times, things just seem to keep falling in place in God’s time.
Your are in my prayers as you go through this growth period.
I know you can do this!!
Yes indeed, CJ. The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps! I’ll consider it an honor to keep each other in prayer.
Hey Michael! Great post! I mean really great.So much great information and things that we can all relate to ( including me!). I totally relate to having a ton of stuff I have to do and not doing it like I am supposed to or exactly when I’m supposed to.It drives me crazy. Well keep up the great work and I will be following you on this journey that we are both on.
Take Care, Jim OBrien…
Thank you, Jim. Encouraging words! Instead of the daily grind, it’s daily growth!
Hi Jim, I’m glad I’m not alone in this struggle! Little by little, forward we move.
Michael, I feel that faith is very important in my life as I can see it in yours. I truly believe that you will get was is destined for you as long as we do what is required of us. As well as being honest, having integrity and being kind to others which I can see you do. I wish you well brother and look forward to your continued journey. All the best. Atif
Thank you, Atif. Forward on the journey!
I knew it! Other people also have those unproductive days like me 🙂
Michael, I feel your pain when you have a busy day with plenty to do and somehow you just can’t start. Everything is more important, washing a car, mowing a lawn… And then we lack time to do what we planned to do.
But the paradox is, that we do not lack time. What we lack is focus. Every person on this planet has the same amount of time. Just some people use it wiser than me.
Congratulations on your Trophy!
Exactly, Tom. Some call it the misnomer of “time management”. Others refer to it more as focus management, and others as “intention management”. Either of those I relate to, so my focus (not to overuse the word, but it just fits) is to learn how to better align my focus through the day each day, and to follow-through better on my intentions.
Hi Michael,
Your post is very well-detailed and relatable on several levels. Your down-to-earth presentation will surely inspire many readers to come! At times, adventuring on a new path can be very frustrating as to think things are going smoothly, but then get abruptly hit with a “Dead End” ahead feeling. I look forward to reading future posts. Congratulations on your growth so far and your 4 figure award!
All the best,
Milissa Neirotti
Thank you, Milissa – I appreciate it! Now, the fun part of becoming consistent!
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